Tuesday, February 22, 2011


The following outfits will be the participating outfit for DMG CREATIVE LOOK FEBRUARY 2011. The outfits were named after DMG CREATIVE LOOK WINNER for December 2010 CATLYN SAHARA. Purchase any of the following outfits and you will have the chance to be on the cover of E-STYLE FASHION MAGAZINE MARCH 2011 ISSUE and a privilege to have an outfit named after you. TP to our location in BRASOV CITY 191/33/23.

1. Purchase any of these 4 outfits
2. Have your picture taken wearing the outfit name it DMG CREATIVE LOOK FEB'11(your name) and send to Docseree Mistwalker
3. Paste transaction number in a notecard.
DMG MODELS who receive the outfit for the valentine show are disqualified to join
DMG MODELS who won centerfold title may join again but those who won cover titles are disqualified to enter in the same year they won their title.
4. Send in your CV/Resume and the reason why you want to join this contest.
5. Send everything to me in a folder and name it DMG CREATIVE LOOK FEB'11(your name)


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