You will be DMG's Exclusive Runway Models for the period of Sept 26 'til Oct 25 or until the new finalists are announced.This is a paid job and your salary depends on the time you spent on the runway
-only DMG Clothes are allowed in the runway
-wear only DMG Runway Model Tag
-Observe proper decorum on the runway at all times
-No duplication of outfit on the runway. Courtesy should be given to the first model who clocked in
-Do not forget to clock in. You are automatically clocked out if you leave the store. But to be sure you are paid better clock out.No retroactive payments will be given if you forget to clock in
-You will be sent invites to the exclusive models group in world.
-Make it a habit to check previous notices.
-You can follow us on twitter so you don't miss notices
-A NC on how to claim your expensive 24 shoo-shoes will be given in-world
1.) A short bioparagraph about you in a notecard entitled DMG BLOG (SEPT)-(your name)
DEADLINE: Sept 28,2010 12nn SLT
2.) A picture wearing a fall outfit(any designer) and a description of the outfit in outline form *this is required if you wanted to be included in the DMG Fashion Spread for E-STyle Magazine. Send it in a Folder titled E-Style(Oct)-(your name). Make sure you name everything correctly. Otherwise it will get lost and you will not be included
DEADLINE: October 8,2010
YOUR pictures will be viewed on a different BLOG exxclusive to Judges. The pics will have no name only Finalist numbers.JUDGES will be named after the winners are announced
Congrats Ladies,
See you at the runway
Eilonweeh Grantly was born on April 25, 2010. I want to be called as ✿❤✿ Eil ✿❤✿
As I am still new to Second Life I have already set what I wanted out from this game and that is to be a Fashion Model.... but as I lived my life I realized it is impossible..
Back then I am just a simple girl having so many dreams ... I've already given up my hopes to be a model.
Met lots of amazing people here in SL who have helped me reached the point where I am now...I am so thankful for their love and care and that makes me realized cannot live ur life alone, all we need to survive in this game is a simple hi and a warmth hello.
I'm a risk taker...and never regret it. It had opened a lot of doors for me and I've accidentally made a life here in SL... and having a life means lots of responsibilities.
I'm thankful I have found the most amazing family my Blue Family Ben and Stacy, my sister Hepzibah who is very loving and protective and my baby brother Jordan. As some would say we are like MAFIA.. we take extra care ㋡.
And to my extended family Angel, Bri, Chelsea, Seree and Yajiru who were my best of friends and my sisters too, to the most amazing guy in SL my ever loving and supportive brother Navarro.
My dearest friend turned niece Sophie, who have opened my eyes that I need to be beautiful... My Begad, who were always there for me listening and knows all my ups and down....ever so caring and loving.
And to my Forever, who taught me a lot of things in life and I really learned a lot. He just knows his way to my ♥.
To all that I've met along the way...people I've worked with and to those who have showed me the right path to my success...
Lastly, to MA Modeling Agency and Academy especially Ms. Lulu, Ms. Lane, Ms. Isabelle and the ever so fabulous Ms. Vanity ever so ready and supportive.
I owe a lot to them. They've been with me in a special moment in my life. They are a part of what I am now and what I would be in the future...
I dedicate all my hardwork and my diploma to my Blue Mama Stacy Maracas...
I guess life is as easy as saying a nice and simple hello. Don't be afraid to ask for help and say ♥ Thank Youuuuuuuuuu!! ♥

I came to SL in April of 08 to explore the fashion industry. It wasn't long before I discovered the modeling world and got my first job modeling for JCNY. Knowing that I need more training as a model, I enrolled in MODA Modeling School and graduated in Feb 09 and was later promoted as a MODA Spotlight Model which airs Monday nights on SLTV.
Since then I have done an array of modeling jobs including print work and runway and entered several contests along the way. I later took a job at Calendar Models of SL as the CCO and tryed my hand at photography. It was pretty tough for me in the beginning because I as working with a program I knew nothing about but with the help of my SL partner Eric, I was able to overcome those obsticles. I learn so many new things everyday, SL really challenges my creative side more than I could have ever imagined.
I graduated from 2 other modeling schools, and began to design a line of fashions and jewelry for our store. I recently accepted a position for the Onyx Bills SFL Football team as a Cheer Coach and later was promoted by the SFL as an All-Star Cheerleader. I am really excited about the SFL, it's brought so many new opportunities into SL!
I love all I do in SL and couldnt imagine my life without any one of them. Modeling in SL certainly can have its ups and downs but I still feel now as I did in the beginning when I came to SL, I am so honored to be part of this fashion world, from the people I have met to the things I have learned, its been an incredible
Monday nights, 7:30 http//
MODA Modeling School~Grad Dec 08
LA Modeling Academy~Grad Nov 09
Mimmi Boa Academy~Grad Feb 10
Venus Modeling Agency
D'ior Modeling Agency
CFO & Designer ~ Calendar Models of SL
Cheerleader Coach for the ONYX BILLS
SFL All-Star Cheerleader
Calendar Models of SL
SonIa Summer 2009 2nd Week Winner Model
Nu Vibes August 09 Issue - Retro Spread
Eccentric Winner Calendar Model 2010
Angel Dessous Photo Winner 3rd place, Aug 09
Angel Dessous Photo Winner 2nd place, Sep 10
E-Style September 10, "Fashion County Style"
JCNY Sept 08, Oct 08, Nov 08, Dec 08, Jan 09
3rd Place Algera Swimsuit Competition
Next Top Model 2009 finalist
Pre-Finalist MVW 2010, 2011
Winner Oct 09 "Clothesminded"
Finalist Miss Refined 2009
Finalist Diram Fashion Dec 09
Finalist DMG Aug 10
Eclit Little
Age SL : Aout 2007
Age RL : 29 ans
Language : Français/Anglais
Model Academy
*Face2face model where i did my graduate
Don t have work since this time !
I am available rather often, I am professional, perfectionist, and I always go at the end of things!!
Im photographer and i take all my pics! I like all which concern the fashion , and like beautiful clothes!! I made also some simple TShirt, and tatoes! And have built my french house!
Send IM or mail to
my blog:
Je suis disponible assez souvent, je suis professionnel, perfectionniste, et je vais toujours au bout des choses!! Je suis photographe et je fais toutes mes photos
J aime la mode et tout ce qui concerne les vetements de qualité ! Je crée aussi des TShirts, et j'ai bati ma maison Française!
envoyez moi un IM ou un mail à:

Hi! My name is Alexandrea Ryada. I'm sort of new to SL having a rez date of 03/05/10 but I've already fallen in love with the fashions and the modelling industry here. I try to keep myself busy by attending all the classes, conventions, and casting calls I possibly can. I am also the personal assistant to Ms. Niccoli Sweetwater who owns Nic's House of Tunes located on Sweetwater Island. I enjoy modelling, live music events, and playing greedy with my friends and family!
I started my Second Life journey in March of 2010. It wasn't long before I realized that I fell in love with modeling. I wanted to do everything I could to grow as a model. I took classes at iC Motions (both basic and advance). I now work as a model with Peach Parade, Maritima Inc., and LG photography. I want to continue to grow was a model and as a role model through different avenues throughout the modeling world.
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